Friday, June 19, 2009

Dreams with Dynamics....

Yes,…. She theft my heart .. So I took her heart.. I didn’t ask to her.. but I took,.. because she theft my heart without asking me; so I took her’s too..
Let me now say a great story about my Love. It’s a clean love story of mine but is not a usual one, only because it’s my story and I’m saying it to you.

I said you that my love towards my girl starts at the age of thirteen……... She is Gorgeous… I don’t know why I loved her.. it’s a unknown & mysterious thing..oh. let it be anything I will start my story..One day with all my courage… I said to her…… that I love her…… I was not tensed but eager to hear her response…. She didn’t said anything….. I saw an extra ordinary smile in her eyes……. Her heart was trying to say some thing to me…But her shyness didn’t allowed her….. I was not disappointed because I know that she loves me…Now you must think that then why did I asked her………She loves me is only my belief….. But I want to know how much she loves me……weather as much as I love her.

These incidences were a new thing to the gossip makers….. and certainly, it spread over classes as forest fire by her friends and mine too… That paved the way to make the gossips about us stronger….Some said that we both are in true love…..some said that I loves her but she not…..Some body even said that they will marry……These all thing happened….. But, I had never thought that I had done a worst thing… {Do you think that I had done a crime?} And I am not sorry for that. I’m very frank. And free hearted... And according to me, my decisions are my rights. That academic year ended soon….. I fell something that the worst thing in my school life was the vacation…… I can stay without air…but without seeing her…..I cant survive……. But I did,…… I has her photos which was took by her friend during our class tour…. This is what is said that friends are a blessing sometime……

The next academic year begins….. With all my hope in new year I welcomed my new class….. But my unfortunate and unpredictably…the students were shuffled….. We were Scattered into two……… But I was not disappointed because I never lost hope in GOD….. Even though I can see her… That’s enough for me…. I don’t know why I madly love her….. One day I was sat at a corner of the class and thinking of her….. One of my true friend came to me…And said….. “Hari….. I want to say you some thing… She loves you…..Why you do not love her……” I was absolutely shocked by my friend’s comment….. Later I understood that it was only his opinion…. Every one say that its not a wonder that being attracted to girl is usual in this age….. But then why shouldn’t I love other girls…why im not attracted…… I have seen so many girls those who may become miss universe…..But I loved her……Her only…… Its love……True love……
These incidences were happened one year before. Now too Im seeing her.. Now the gossips are weak…and one humorous thing is now she is very bold to face anything. O! My God….I had done one good thing to her… I heard a heart breaking opinion from one of my friends; it was like this “Ai man….She loves you….Why don’t you love her…” Don’t be shocked as me… It was just his guess…. I had heard a lot of guesses from my friends….. but these all were only guesses but I loved it……. Love at first sight is an absolutely wrong statement in my love story. Because my girl……she is with me for long ten years, but I noticed her only now…..Fait….I love fait….because the fait gave me her….

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